
As per Article 17 of the World DanceSport Federation Statutes, the Professional Division has the authority to govern its own administration under the WDSF Rules and Regulations and with the right to adopt its Supplementary Rules to regulate professional DanceSport.

PD has its own membership base out of the WDSF Member Bodies applying to join PD as full or provisional members. PD runs its own finances as part of WDSF financial and accounting system, calls its AGMs,  elects its Management Board and its Director who is member of WDSF Presidium, and if necessary may establish its departments and commissions for specific purposes

PD General Meeting

The Professional Division General Meeting is composed of the delegates, maximum two per country, selected by each WDSF National Member Body from that body’s own professional division or analogue group of professionals. The general meeting is convened at least once every year. In these meetings the delegates conduct the business of the division as outlined in the WDSF Statutes. Attached below are the minutes of the latest AGMs.

PD Management Board

Management Board is the division's managing body. It is elected by the PD General Meeting to a term of 4 years and governs the division between PD General Meetings. PD Management Board elects PD Director and other necessary PD Officers out of PD members. PD Director is a member of the WDSF Presidium, manages the day to day business of the Professional Division and reports to PD AGM and to WDSF AGM.

Published on 26 May 2011 (last update on 26 December 2022)