General Meeting

The Professional Division General Meeting consists of maximum two delegates per country, selected by each WDSF National Member Body from that body’s own professional division or analogue group of professionals. The general meeting is convened at least once every year. In these meetings the delegates conduct the business of the division as outlined in the WDSF Statutes. Attached below are the minutes of the latest AGMs.

PD Annual General Meetings are held every year in June, just prior to the main WDSF AGM. The call for the PD AGM of the current year with the available documents can be found from the Mid-February in the WDSF meeting calendar.

WDSF PD AGM Minutes Madrid 10 June 2023
WDSF PD AGM Minutes Online 5 June 2022
WDSF PD AGM Minutes Online 1 August 2021
WDSF PD AGM Minutes Budapest 7 June 2019
WDSF PD AGM Minutes Lausanne 16 June 2018
WDSF PD AGM Minutes Singapore 11 June 2017
WDSF PD AGM Minutes Rome 11 June 2016
WDSF PD AGM Minutes Granada 13 June 2015
WDSF PD AGM Minutes Bucharest 14 June 2014
WDSF PD AGM Minutes Shanghai 15 June 2013
WDSF PD AGM Minutes Rome 11 June 2016

Published on 9 October 2013 (last update on 23 August 2023)