
The General Meeting

Democratic and efficient are the two attributes that best describe the style of governance and the organisation of the World DanceSport Federation. Delegates of all National Member Bodies and of the Associate Members form the General Meeting, the supreme governing body. Ordinary General Meetings are constituted once per year, generally during the month of June. They pass their resolutions as stipulated in the Statutes, following an agenda and with minutes kept of the proceedings.

The Presidium

The WDSF General Meetings elects the Presidium for a term of four years empowering it to tend to and govern all affairs of WDSF between one General Meeting and the next.

The WDSF Annual General Meeting in Budapest, on June 9th in 2019, amended the Statues as regards the organizational structure of the WDSF (Article 13). In the renewed structure of the WDSF The Presidium is made up of the:

The Managing Committee

The Annual General Meeting in Singapore, 12th June 2017, amended the constitution of the Managing Committee of the WDSF (Article 16ter). On the operational level, the WDSF Managing Committee - which is made up of the President, the First Vice-President, if he or she does not hold one of the following Vice-President’s offices and therefore is part of the Managing Committee anyway, the Vice-President of Sports, the Vice-President of Finance, Vice-President of Legal Affairs, the The Secretary General, if any, the Sports Director and the Communications Director, if any – tends to the day-to-day running of the federation. The MC is supported in its task by different commissions, consultants and the administration, e.g. the offices and departments. Managing  Committee  has  the  duty  and  the  authority  to  manage  and  conduct  WDSF's  affairs according to Modern Sports Principles and modern Management Principles. The Managing Committee also prepares the decisions of the Presidium and, subject to the discretion of the Presidium, represents the WDSF. Regarding the work of the Managing Committee, Within the limits of the Statutes the Managing Committee may delegate its day-to-day business to the President, the The Secretary General, one or several Managing Committee or Presidium Members or third persons

The General Secretary

The General Secretary (GS) is responsible for the routine business in WDSF’s offices. He or she shall report to, act on and carry out the instructions given to him or her by the President, the Managing Committee and the Presidium or any of them. The SG is the superior of all paid employees of  the  WDSF  and  supervises  their  work.  The  SG  takes  care  of  the  external  relations  to  other international sports organisations as long as such relations do not mainly have a strategic nature. During any period when no SG has been employed or the employment of a SG has been suspended or terminated, the President assumes the functions of the Secretary General of WDSF for that period and then has full authority to manage the day-to-day business of WDSF.

The Disciplinary Council

The General Meeting also elects the nine members of the Disciplinary Council, the independent jurisdictional organ of WDSF. The council assumes the role of a “sports court” and renders final and binding judgment whenever it called upon the constituents of WDSF.

The Secretary General (SG) is responsible for the routine business in WDSF’s offices. He or she shall report to, act on and carry out the instructions given to him or her by the President, the Managing Committee and the Presidium or any of them. The SG is the superior of all paid employees of  the  WDSF  and  supervises  their  work.  The  SG  takes  care  of  the  external  relations  to  other international sports organisations as long as such relations do not mainly have a strategic nature. During any period when no SG has been employed or the employment of a SG has been suspended or terminated, the President assumes the functions of the Secretary General of WDSF for that period and then has full authority to manage the day-to-day business of WDSF.

Published on 9 December 2010 (last update on 9 July 2023)