Management Board

PD Management Board is chaired by the PD Director and assist PD Director to govern PD affairs between PD General Meetings according to the principles set by the PD Administrative Rules and to represent PD in the best interest of DanceSport. PD Director is a member of the WDSF Presidium, manages the day to day business of the Professional Division and reports to the Annual General Meetings of PD and WDSF.

The present PD Director and PD management Board have been elected on 1st August 2021 for a 4-year term.

The Board meets in person two to three times a year while all day to day decisions on sports and other matters that are in the powesr of the Board are taken by email correspondence and voting.

Verena Sulek

PD Director
Verena Sulek

Contact details




Alexandr Melnikov

Alexander Melnikov

Contact details

Profile image of Timo Kulczak

Timo Kulczak

Contact details

Profile image of Mr. Mircea Gavrila

Mircea Gavrila

Conatct details


Honorary President

Peter Maxwell

Honorary Life President
Peter Maxwell

Contact details



Published on 27 May 2011 (last update on 23 August 2023)