Otto Teipel passed away

Otto Teipel The IDSF Honorary Member Otto Teipel has died at the age of 98 years. He danced his first competition in 1935 and started a successful dancing career in which he became eight times German Champion,  runners-up in the World Cup Standard as well as European Champion in Standard and Latin. His last title - European Champion Latin - he achieved in 1952.

In 1954 Otto Teipel belonged to the establishment members of the ICAD (International Council of Amateur Dancers), in 1991 renamed in IDSF (International DanceSport Federation) and was president till 1960 . In 1967 he was honoured with the Distinguished Service Award of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The IDSF Presidium is very grateful for his continuous work for the International DanceSport Federation and his dedication and love to DanceSport .


IDSF President,

Carlos Freitag 

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Casa Musica
BD Dance
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