2012 WDSF Forum

Five hours on Saturday 16 June are assigned for the following matters to be discussed by the delegates ahead of the General Meeting.

Modification of the Statutes, the Athletes' / Adjudicators' Code of Conduct and Standards of Ethics and the Code of the WDSF Disciplinary Council

Presenters: Lukas Hinder and Ross Wenzel, Legal Consultant


The WDSF Registration System – ID Cards

Presenters: Michael Eichert and John Caprez


World Artistic Games - World Games - World DanceSport Games – World Masters Games

Presenters: Carlos Freitag and Marco Sietas


WDSF New Rulebook

Presenters: Marco Sietas and Michael Eichert


WDSF Technique Books

Presenters: Marco Sietas, Natasa Ambroz and Fabio Bosco


WDSF Communications – Digitally Yours

Presenters : Heidi Goetz and Roland Hilfiker


Open Topic Discussions

Members and WDSF Managing Committee


Published on

Casa Musica
BD Dance
European Championship DiscoDance 2025