YouTraining DanceSport

Several new lectureshave been added to the WDSF DanceSport Academy's YouTube channel. The number of available learning resoures now exceeds 20 - which amounts to 3 hours 30 minutes total viewing time! 

German trainer Horst Beer collaborated with WDSF in creating this learning resource on rhythm and timing in Samba. The video was recorded in August 2012 during the GOC in Stuttgart. The WDSF DanceSport Academy wishes to acknowledge the support of Horst and the GOC organisers to the YouTraining DanceSport programme.


Fabio Selmi - Simona Fancello © Helmut Roland Watch the lectures by the Italian trainers Fabio Selmi and Simona Fancello on the WDSF DanceSport Academy's YouTube channel. They were recorded by Prof Helmut Roland during the 2012 edition of "The Camp" in Wuppertal, GER. The WDSF DanceSport Academy wishes to thank Fabio, Simona and the organisers of "The Camp" for allowing that these recordings may be published as part of the YouTraining DanceSport programme.


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