Web Comment: It's Tony Again!


After we posted the interview with IDSF Treasurer Tony Tilenni, another Presidium Member sent us a message ...

"I just enjoyed Tony's new interview about the website. But have a quick look at the opening frames of the video, in which it appears that Singapore is in Southern California! Can we fix that?"

Jim Fraser

Yes, Jim, we can! And we did ... We also explained how the geography got mixed up.

The Apple iMovie default setting is probably Cupertino, California ... And we must have entered the point of departure improperly.

IDSF Communications

Now you know: iMovie is the creative power behind the trailer and the clips ... 

RZQZ9vpDGEM|IDSF Treasurer Tony Tilenni (after flight trajectory was improved)


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European Championship DiscoDance 2025
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