Tilburg Moves - 2nd Day

Ferruggia - Koehler, GER © Ronda

On Tilburg Moves 2011 Benedetto and Claudia received a bronze statue which was made by Jean & Mariann Bremers, Who always had a dream to make a statue for a World Champion in the DanceSport

In the IDSF International Open Standard 76 couples were present including 12 star couples, a magnificent Dancehall and a respective panel of 13 adjudicators were present, and so all ingredients were there for an exciting DanceSport competition.

The first round was danced in 6 heats and the judges had to select 24 couples, in my opinion there were many candidates for the places from 18 to 23 and 24. In this first round the following couples did catch my eyes in a positive way: 114 Artem Bronnikov & Daria Grishko, 120 Egor Dulebenets & Aleksandra Samorodskaya, 168 Edgars Linis & Eliza Ancane, 143 Alexandr Koshkin & Alexandra Rygina, 135 Andrey Sergunin & Alina Glazkova.

In the second round the 12 star couples were added, and with respect for the other dancers, what an increase of DanceSport quality that brought to this competition. For me, within the IDSF, the star system may be continued for the coming years.

The level of dancing was increasing round by round, ending with a magnificent final which gave the following results:

1. Benedetto Ferruggia / Claudia Köhler

2. Nikolai Darin / Natalia Seredina

3. Andrzej Sadecki / Karina Nawrot

4. Daniil Ulanov / Irina Gogoladze

5. Anton Nedotsukov / Maria Mitrokhina

6. Valentin Lusin / Renate Busheeva

Darin - Seredina, RUS © Ronda Sadecki - Nawrot, POL © Ronda










The level of dancing and number of competitors of the TilburgMoves weekend are increasing year by year! Thank you organisors fot this fantastic DanceSport weekend


Report: Piet Rullens

Photos: Rob Ronda

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