The Final | 2015 PD World Show Latin

Vitaly Panteleev - Angelina Nechkhaeva, RUS © Regina Courtier The nine finalists repeated their performances one more time, trying to add whatever to make them even more convincing to the nine adjudicators (whose complete scores for the round can be found here).

Martin Branc of the WDSF Communications team had his camera trained on them.

Here are the nine videos plus three interviews that WDSF Communication chair Heidi Goetz conducted with the medallists. Enjoy!

z437htSEguU|Kudashev - Sokolova, RUS | 2015 PD World LAT Show
Z1NnmJypQWc|Panteleev - Nechkhaeva, RUS | 2015 PD World LAT Show
CMtsJLQ3T-M|Garbuzov - Menzinger, AUT | 2015 PD World LAT Show
jlg7xab0Vs8|Garbuzov - Menzinger, AUT | 2015 PD World LAT Show
veXDUFkDxHo|Kudashev - Sokolova, RUS | 2015 PD World LAT Show
oINThhjxU9s|Savinov - Zakirova, RUS | 2015 PD World LAT Show
1GOHFDfvu4E|Campisi - Franke, AUT | 2015 PD World LAT Show
mI9zy2t7oKI|Kagan - Selivanova, EST | 2015 PD World LAT Show
HSUfecUrN3Y|Iepure - Mabuse, GER | 2015 PD World LAT Show
WSbAGV1rjsc|Panov - Shniakina, RUS | 2015 PD World LAT Show
UiSUsnnw6rg|Panteleev - Nechkhaeva, RUS | 2015 PD World LAT Show
FIg3ndf-n0A|Kozmin - Milova, EST | 2015 PD World LAT Show

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