Shanghai, China: DanceSport At Its Best

2009 IDSF Grand Slam Final © Xinhua/Guo Changyao The 2010 IDSF Grand Slam Finals take place once more in Shanghai, China. Today, 11 December, the world's best Standard couples fight it out for title and purse in what is their last major competition of the year.

In 2009, it was the German couple Benedetto Ferruggia and Claudia Koehler (pictured on the left, © Xinhua/Guo Changyao) who won the first ever Grand Slam event adjudicated with the new IDSF Judging System.

This year too, te IDSF Adjudicators will grade the finalists in different programme components

Balance and Coordination
Quality of Movement
Movement to Music
Choreography and Presentation

on an absolute scale from one to ten to determine the winners in 2010.

IDSF Presidium Member Michael Eichert is on site and lets you know how things develop on the floor at the Luwan Stadium. Chieko Abe from Japan has the camera trained on the action and provides you with the photographs.

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Platja d’Aro DanceSport Festival 2024
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