New and Improved

14 December - Shnghai, CHN © Castanyer It is the WDSF Managing Committee that can approve changes to the rules governing the GrandSlam Series. This because the series serves as a test bench of sorts for other competitions and changes to GrandSlam rules and format can be implemented on relatively short notice. Two changes were adopted during the recent Managing Committee Meeting in Singapore.

The most important change affecting the 2015 Series is that couples will need to have danced in minimum four (4) GrandSlam legs in order to be eligible for qualification to dance in the Finals.

A second change was already applied to the format of the two finals held in Shanghai last weekend. The five dances in the final will forthwith be performed  as follows:

  • Solo - with Kiss & Cry - 1
  • Group - 2
  • Solo without Kiss & Cry - 3
  • Group - 4
  • Solo - with Kiss & Cry - 5

aRfLMk76bio|2014 GrandSlam Latin Final | Viewed from the Podium

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European Championship DiscoDance 2025