Live from Luxembourg / PD WCH MC I STD


9 couples from 7 nations started in Luxembourg to win the WDSF PD World Championships Master Class I STD. 

6 couples qualified for the final rounds.
Here are the results ...

1st place: David Schavel - Iryna Copp / Poland

2nd place: Giuliano Serafini - Emanuela Chittaro / Italy

3rd place: Daniele Pardini - Paola Rosi / Italy

4th place: Sascha Wakup - Ann-Katrin Bechtold / Germany

5th place: Kazumasa Takahashi - Yukiko Takahashi / Japan

6th place: Damir Abdoulganeev - Moniquw Broekmeulen / Netherlands

Congratulations to all finalists!

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