IDSF Italian Grand Prix

Italian Grand Prix The Italian DanceSport Grand Prix 2010 took place in the Fiera Rimini during the 1st week of June. The main DanceSport events were held from 3rd to 6th of June.

Combining the various dance styles in one big event it became an important and very attractive event for DanceSport. The idea of Vision 2012 became reality in Rimini. While DanceSport competitions took place in one pavillion attracting the audience, Boogie, Rock `n Roll and HipHop was also performed in this huge area at the same time with hundreds of athletes.

The highlights had been the IDSF World Open Standard and Latin with an entry of more than 150 couples each. Very good price money was awarded to the couples and nearly every top couple took the opportunity to compete here. So you can imagine, that every organizer would be pleased having the chance to present such high level dancing as normaly only can be seen in World Championships.

 IPDSC organized the Professional competitions. It had been great competitions in the Latin, but this time  it was topped by the Standard couples on Sunday. The audience was cheering and applauding when they saw Mirko Gozzoli and Edita Daniute , Paolo Bosco and Silvia Pitton performing. The couples appreciated that and did their best, exactly what the audience wanted to see.

Beside the dancefloor many sport officials as well as representatives of politics and sports organisations met and took the opportunity for discussing visions and plans. On the picture to be seen the President of the Sports Department Mr. Gianni Petrucci, Vicepresident Mr. Riccardo Agabio, the President of FIDS Mr. Feruccio Galvagno and IDSF General Secretary Mr. Marco Sietas exchanging their ideas and opinions about organizing and inventing “Artistic Games”.

At Sportaccord held in Dubai last April IDSF initiated the idea of running “Artistic Games.” The intention is to have competitions of various sports which have in common performing to music and showing rhythm and well trained body movement : such as Gymnastics, Synchronized Swimming, Roller Skating, Ice Figure Skating and DanceSport.

 A very interesting and promising step in sports development.

Report: Heidi Goetz

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