Get Well Soon!

With the IDSF Adudicators' Congress underway in Maribor this morning, one key person is reported absent: Natasa Ambroz, the IDSF Vice-President and Chair of the Education Department. It would have been just one hour's drive from her hometown Ljubliana, but Natasa was unable to make it. 


An accidental fall in Lisbon, POR, a few weeks back resulted in a serious ankle injury and a prolonged bed rest, which then led to further and even more serious complications. "This unfortunately means that I shall not be able to be present in Maribor, as it is not advisable to travel condition," she wrote to her fellow members of the Presidium last week. But - typically Natasa - she found a solution to have her proposals for a new and revolutionary Adudication System presented to the Congress attendees nevertheless.

From this website we convey our wishes for a speedy recovery to Natasa. Get well soon!

For up-to-date information on the Adjudicators' Congress, go to the dedicated "Live from Maribor" website!

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