Ferruggia - Koehler, GER

Benedetto Ferruggia - Claudia Koehler, GER © Roland

In an official release dated 25 February, the German DanceSport Federation DTV announced that the reigning World Champions Standard, Benedetto Ferruggia and Claudia Koehler, have decided to turn professional. The couple will henceforth compete in the WDSF Professional Division.

The release takes up on their outstanding career from 2004.

Press Release DTV PD

The World DanceSport Federation salutes their decision and thanks the couple for their continued loyalty to DanceSport and its governing body. "Auguri" and "Glückwunsch" - as well as "Grazie" and "Danke" - go to a charismatic couple demonstrating that perseverance is also a trait of true champions.

Benedetto Ferruggia - Claudia Koehler, GER © Roland Benedetto Ferruggia - Claudia Koehler, GER © Roland Benedetto Ferruggia - Claudia Koehler, GER © Roland Benedetto Ferruggia - Claudia Koehler, GER © Roland Benedetto Ferruggia - Claudia Koehler, GER © Roland

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