Dr Luca Pancalli, CONI Earlier this year, IDSF reported on the difficult situation of its National Member Body Federazione Italiana della Danza Sportiva (FIDS). A situation that had led to the highest sporting authorities in Italy to intervene. Click here!

On the occasion of the Italian DanceSport Championships' inauguration, Dr Luca Pancalli, the FIDS administrator who was appointed by the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI), attested the organisation fundamental health.

In a television interview Pancalli analysed the current situation of the sport and its national governing body. Below is a translation of the statements made by the CONI Vice-President.

"The Italian DanceSport Federation (FIDS) is recognised by the Italian Olympic Committee (CONI). Even if it was granted recognition only in 2007, it stands today for a phenomenon in sports as well as in the social and in the economic context.

FIDS passes through a difficult moment right now, with CONI having to appoint a Commissioner, but this does in now way detract from the fact that it represents a huge constituency. From young children to the elderly! And it represents a movement that – in my view – is of an extremely high sporting as well as technical content."

In another statement, CONI Vice-President and FIDS Commissioner Luca Pancalli lauded the continued expansion of the sport.

“Even though put under supervision, the reality is that DanceSport continues to grow: 20,000 new members have joined FIDS between the day the Commissioner was appointed, on 8 February, and today.”


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BD Dance
European Championship DiscoDance 2025
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