Annual Genaral Meeting 2008

Annual General Meeting 2008

Avatar This year Moscow and the Russian DanceSport Federation hosted the IDSF AGM 2008 the weekend June 14th and 15th .
Saturday, 14th of June, the Federations of some continents like Asia and America took the opportunity for a meeting with their member bodies.
In the afternoon the IDSF Forum was scheduled containing the presentation and introduction of different items like

New Communication Strategy ( New Vision 2012 )
Academy for Trainers and Judges
ADAMS System
DanceSport Judging Criteria

At the IDSF AGM 2008 59 Members were represented by their delegates, hearing the reports of the Members of the Presidium and discussing motions. Decisions and changes will be published soon. 

There was also a lot of time for the delegetes to meet and talk to their colleagues. In Luzhniky Stadium the Moscow Vice-President of the Committee for Sports of the Moscow Government welcomed the Members of the IDSF Presidium and guests at a dinner and awarded President Carlos Freitag a trophy. A very nice boattrip on the River Moscwa was organized by the Russian DanceSport Federation for all delegates and guests. On the last evening IDSF invited all the representatives for dinner at Hotel Borodino.


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