2014 Dance Accord

2014 Dance Accord © Melnikova Moscow is at the centre of the DanceSport world over the next few days. Dance Accord 2014, the Russian Open Championships, is currently in progress there. After national competitions were the mainstay through 23 October, things are turning global from today.

The GrandSlam Standard Moscow starts at 13:30 with more than 200 couples dancing in the first round. The decisive stages are scheduled for tomorrow evening  (25 October).

The 2014 World Youth Latin and a WDSF PD Grand Prix are danced on the same day. The GrandSlam Latin Moscow is on the programme on Sunday 26 October.

A WDSF Communications team is on locatikon in full force and will report extensively on the four WDSF competitions that take place at the Crocus Expo. Follow it all on the dedicated blog "Live from Moscow."

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