2010 IDSF Annual General Meeting

IDSF DanceSport 55 Member Bodies of IDSF sent their delegates to the AGM in Vienna on 12 and 13 June. With a good reason: important issues had to be discussed.

The expectations of all the delegates were high and they have been fulfilled. It was a historic moment and a large step moving forward together when all the important motions had been approved unanimously or by a great majority.

IDSF Professional Division

By amending the statutes the delegates voted  by a great majority for having the IPDSC as the New Professional  Devision  inside the IDSF . It was already initiated and decided in 2006 at the AGM  in Wels, but now the legal basis was prepared for this coming together.

The next step forward was made on Monday, 14th June, at the AGM of IPDSC when the delegates of IPDSC approved  to support unanimously the establishment of the IDSF Professional Devision (“IDSF PD”) within IDSF according to the Joint Statements published by authority of the IPDSC and IDSF Presidents in 2009 and 2010 and that IPDSC incorporates into the IDSF as the new IDSF Professional Division.

Vision 2012

At the AGM 2009 in Macao a working group was established consisting of representatives of IDSF and  delegates from the various  affiliated Members of IDSF. This time the results were presented to the AGM delegates. Progresses  had been made, contracts and agreements prepared, but there are still  negotiations necessary .

Athletes' Commission

The representative of all the athletes, Timo Kulczak from Germany, was present at the AGM of IDSF for the first time.. He reported about the all the work of the athlete`s commission which has been done so far. All IDSF Member Bodies had been invited to nominate a national representative for their couples. A meeting of the athlete`s commission is scheduled during the GOC in Stuttgart coming August.

It was also very interesting to hear the opinion and comments of the athlete`s commission to all the other issues discussed in the AGM .

On the New IDSF website there will be a section for the athlete`s commission for publishing news and having information ready for the couples.

New Adjudication System

The concept of the new system was presented to the delegates. Meanwhile it was used on two events (Grand Slam and Grand Slam Final ). After feedback from couples as well as adjudicators a few modifications had been made. It is supposed to be applied  on Grand Slams and World Championships.

IDSF Communication Strategy and Website

As the media landscape changes rapidly IDSF Communication is totally orientated on this development. The new IDSF website was presented to the delegates, explaining the structure and navigation, as well as all the new media tools. A total overhaul of the IDSF website is in progress. It`s new URL – worlddancesport.org- was selected with a view on the Vision 2012, and to IDSF evolving into a World DanceSport Federation.

The “Live from ….” Blogs are a very successful tool and will cover all the World DanceSport Championships as well as other big and main events during the year.

The IDSF YouTube channel was tied in with the blogs and IDSF flickr, twitter as well as Facebook accounts were gradually integrated.

Live streaming video are scheduled over the next months.

The World DanceSport Magazine is to be published in an magazine style on the website.

Report:  Heidi Goetz

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