Certified Scrutiny Software
The WDSF requires that a scrutiny running a WDSF competition uses a WDSF certified scrutiny software so that:
- The judges can work in a known environment
- The procedure of the competition follows the WDSF rules and regualtions
- The transmission of the competition results is regulated
The certification process is documented in our
dedicated wiki.
Currently the following scrutiny applications have passed the WDSF certification:
- DAnCE ("Dance Analyse 'n' Calculate Environment") - v.?
Boris Gulay, Moscow, Russia (boris@boressoft.ru) - Skating System - v5
Dmitry Krivoshchekov (mit@krivoshchekov.ru) - TurnierProtokollSystem - TPS.net 2015
Olav Groehn, Hamburg, Germany (olav.groehn@signalkontor.com) - Dance2000 - v1.9.3
Attila Molnar, Bratislava , Slovakia (tskazet@gmail.com) - TopTurnier - v7.3
Stephan Rath, Vaihingen/Enz, Germany (info@TopTurnier.de) - TAS - v.12.3
Karl Weißl (TAS@weissl.com) - ProDance - v.5.1
Heinz Spaeker (heinz@spaeker.de) - MasterDance - v.13
Ljubisa Tomic (mastersoft@sbb.rs) - DanceWork - v.2.14
Maxim Sergeev (mifi-diver@mail.ru) - Vote4Dance - online version (web based solution)
Johan Ekorn - (info@vote4dance.com) - Contaste - v.2.17
Alexey Mishenko - alexey@contaste.pro - DanceExpert - v14.6.0 (Skating System only)
Sergey Litvinovsky - dance.expert@dancelv.lv - Ballroom Comp Express - online version (web based solution)
Daniel Boman - dboman@ballroomcompexpress.com - ballroomcompexpress.com - O2CM
Daniel Dilley - support@o2cm.com - o2cm.com
Published on 16 April 2013 (last update on 11 February 2025)