

The aim of testing is to protect clean athletes through the detection and deterrence of doping. 

Any athlete under the testing jurisdiction of WDSF may be tested at any time, with no advance notice, in- or out-of-competition, and be required to provide a urine, blood sample or blood for a Dried Blood Spot (DBS) analysis. 

Sample Collection Process 

  1. Athlete Selection: An athlete can be selected for testing at any time and any place.
  2. Notification: A Doping Control Officer (DCO) or chaperone will notify the athlete of their selection and outline their rights and responsibilities. 
  3. Reporting to the Doping Control Station: The athlete should report to the doping control station immediately after being notified. The DCO may allow a delay in reporting for a valid reason.
  4. Sample Collection Equipment: The athlete is given a choice of individually sealed sample collection vessels and kits to choose from. 
  5. They must inspect the equipment and verify the sample code numbers.

Collecting the sample:

Testing (Urine).jpg

  1. Completing the Doping Control Form (DCF): The athlete will check and confirm that all of the information is correct, including the sample code number and their declaration of medications and/or products they have used. They will also be asked their consent for the use of the sample for research purposes. They will receive a copy of the DCF and should keep it.
  2. Laboratory Process: All samples are sent to WADA accredited laboratories for analysis.

Athlete Biological Passport

The fundamental principle of the Athlete Biological Passport (ABP) is to monitor selected biological variables over time that indirectly reveal the effects of doping rather than attempting to detect the doping substance or method itself.

Testing Pools

No-advance notice out-of-competition testing is one of the most powerful means of deterrence and detection of doping. To support this type of testing, the WDSF can develop various testing pools as part of its testing program.

In any case, any athlete under the testing jurisdiction of the WDSF may be tested at any time, with no advance notice, in- or out-of-competition, and be required to provide a urine or blood sample.


Under the World Anti-Doping Code (Code) — the document harmonizing anti-doping policies in all sports and all countries — WADA has an obligation to coordinate anti-doping activities and to provide a mechanism to assist stakeholders with their implementation of the Code.

The Anti-Doping Administration & Management System (ADAMS) was developed for this purpose. It is a Web-based database management system that simplifies the daily activities of all stakeholders and athletes involved in the anti-doping system.

Available in English, French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Russian, Italian, Turkish, Dutch, Chinese, Korean and Arabic, not only is ADAMS easy to use, it is also free for WADA’s stakeholders allowing them to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the fight against doping in sport. ADAMS’ multi-level access system protects the security and confidentiality of data.

ADAMS is a clearinghouse where all data can be stored, in particular Laboratory Results, Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs) and information on Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs). It facilitates the sharing of information amongst relevant organizations and promotes efficiency, transparency and effectiveness in all anti-doping activities.

ADAMS addresses the key activities of anti-doping operations through its many functions.

The ADAMS Whereabouts Tutorial on how to submit whereabouts information is available on WADA's Youtube channel.

TUE Management

ADAMS facilitates online management of TUE requests, as well as online notification to those involved in the process. TUE information is shared with all and only relevant parties, thus for the athlete one submission is all that is necessary. Upon approval of the TUE, ADAMS also provides the athletes the option to print their Certificate of Approval for their records.

Test Planning & Results Management

The ADAMS doping control database provided to ADOs is an essential tool for managing both an in- and out-of-competition doping control program. Stakeholders can use ADAMS to plan, coordinate and order tests, as well as to manage test results. Coordination of doping control programs in the ADAMS system helps to avoid duplication of testing efforts and harmonizes communications between testing authorities, sample collection agencies as well as WADA-accredited Laboratories.

Lab Results Module

WADA-accredited laboratories utilize ADAMS to submit test results to the appropriate authorities including WADA. In this way, Results Management Organizations are notified of results promptly and clearly and WADA is automatically engaged to ensure transparency in all results management processes.

ADAMS was launched in 2005 for the initial pilot phase. The system has since then been introduced and implemented by most Anti-Doping Organizations and all WADA accredited anti-doping laboratories.

Please consult the list of organizations using ADAMS.



Consequences Imposed on License-Holders as Result of Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRV)

Table of Suspensions

There are currently no suspensions.

CAS related cases

There are currently no cases.


Statistics 2016

Statistics 2017

Statistics 2018

Statistics 2019

Statistics 2020

Anti Doping Report AGM 2021

Statistics 2022

Anti-Doping Commission_AGM 2023 - Report ADC 2022

  ITA Inphographic 2023

WDSF_Anti-Doping Activities Infographic 2022.jpg


Published on 26 April 2021 (last update on 20 April 2024)