
Win-Win- ...

The T&S Programme brings new opportunities to DanceSport. All stakeholders stand to benefit from a concept that revolves around dance education under new terms and in a different setting.

The Student

First and foremost it is the student who sees his or her learning accelerated by taking part in T&S contests. Conventional dance lessons are reinforced by their practical application under challenging yet rewarding conditions. Dance partners, traditionally a scarce resource for many students, are not required for participation in T&S programmes.

The Professional

T&S contests offer the professional the unique opportunity to venture into teaching dance in the context of competition. The WDSF PD T&S Commission provides qualified professionals – expert dancers and competitors – with access to the training required to obtain the appropriate Teacher’s Licence.


Teacher & Student DanceSport as a whole benefits from the new appreciation, the higher participation and the increased activity that the WDSF PD T&S Programme is able to generate. New and dynamic communities are bound to emerge through T&S.  It takes social dancing, which is popular in nearly every culture, to the next level by inducing men and women, young and old, to participate even more actively.

Whether it is to keep active and fit, to improve technical competence or simply to have fun, T&S should give everyone the chance to dance. T&S is truly DanceSport for All!


Published on 11 August 2011 (last update on 4 November 2022)