La Danse ... En France!

Danse avec les stars

The organisers and the French DanceSport Federation (FFD) make their final push to promote the upcoming IDSF European Latin in Marseille on 26 March.

Eric Sordeau, President of the FFD Latin and Standard section, spoke up on the impact the popular "Dancing with the Stars" programme has on the sport. In an interview with 'Première' (here) he stated that, because of this and other television programmes, "dance has no longer a stuffy, old fashioned image" in France.

"The viewers may not know to dance at all, but here they see that it can learned in all of two weeks. That motivates them to give it a try themselves."

Eric Sourdeau

In the same interview Sourdeau makes reference to the European Latin in Marseille, saying that "It is very good for France to organise major competitions."

The organisers, the 'Club des Amateurs de Danse de Marseille' (CADM), rolled out their promotional reel on YouTube last week. Félicitations!




IDSF, finally, launches the "Live from Marseille" blog today!

Solidarity With Japan

IDSF urges all visitors to to express their solidarity and to donate to the relief efforts by the Japanese Red Cross Society (here).



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Baltic Cup 2024
BD Dance
Casa Musica