Janick and Pia ...

Janick Loewe - Pia Lundanes, NOR

Janick Glud Loewe and Pia Engelberg Lundanes, NOR, sent us their questionnaire properly filled in. Here are a few excerpts ...

How did you get in contact with DanceSport?

We both started dancing at our local dancing schools when we were kids. Pia started when she was 3 years old in Norway, and Janick when he was about 10 years old in Denmark.

What ist the fascination that keeps you in DanceSport?

The combination af dancing as an art form where a man and a woman move together to beautiful music and the sportive side of it, since we are both very competitive people. 

What is your aim in Dancesport?

Our aim in dancing is to maximise our potential and become the best possible dancers we can be. We would like to be able to entertain people with our dancing and to develop our knowledge within the technique and principles of dancing. 

What are your personal strengths?

Our personal strengths are that we are both determined and know what we want. We are very disciplined and structured which enables us to work efficiently towards our goals. At the same time we have a very close relationship with each other and communicate and co-operate very well. 

What is your motto in life?

Nothing is worth doing, unless everybody says it is impossible...

Watch them dancing the Latin final next on https://yatv.ru/interdance/

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BD Dance
Baltic Cup 2024
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