Vagos - Portugal from 06/04/2019 to 07/04/2019

Contact and information

Name of the Organiser: Ritmo das Formas – Club de Dança

Address of the Organiser: Rua José Régio, 68, 4.5, 4425-111 Águas Santas -Portugal

Telephone Number of the Organiser: +351 919 506 521

 [email protected]


Saturday, 6 April 2019

WDSF International Open Latin Adult Confirmed results available
WDSF Open Standard Junior II Confirmed results available
WDSF Open Standard Rising Stars Confirmed results available

Sunday, 7 April 2019

WDSF Open Latin Youth Confirmed results available
WDSF Open Latin Junior II Confirmed results available
WDSF Open Latin Rising Stars Confirmed results available