Moscow - Russia from 22/10/2021 to 23/10/2021

Contact and information

The organizer has not provided any contact details yet, but you can contact the national member body for further information at:

Due to exceptional circumstances related to the coronavirus outbreak, the organiser was forced to cancel the events below. For any inquires please contact the organiser or the WDSF national member body in your country.

Please visit the WDSF Competition Calendar for the latest update on the status of the various competitions around the globe.

WDSF GrandSlam events will take place over two days:

WDSF GrandSlam Latin - October 22-23th, 2021
WDSF GrandSlam Standard - October 23-24th, 2021


Friday, 22 October 2021

WDSF GrandSlam Latin Adult Cancelled

Saturday, 23 October 2021

WDSF GrandSlam Standard Adult Cancelled