Leipzig - Germany on 23/10/2021

Contact and information

The organizer has not provided any contact details yet, but you can contact the national member body for further information at:

NOTE: Entries through the National Member Body to the German DanceSport Federation (DTV). DTV will sun send invitations to both PD World Championship to all WDSF Member Bodies registered with PD.


Organizer: Tanzschule Oliver Thalheim & Tina Spiessbach, [email protected]

Venue: Leipziger Messe, Messe Allee 1, 04356 Leipzig, Germany

Nearest Airport: Leipzig /Halle (10 km)


Saturday, 23 October 2021

WDSF PD World Championship Show Dance Standard Adult Confirmed results available
WDSF PD World Championship Latin Adult Confirmed results available