Chisinau - Moldova from 15/04/2023 to 16/04/2023

Contact and information

ORGANIZER: Moldova DanceSport Federation

CONTACT PERSON: Mr. Petru Gozun, +373 22 229735; [email protected]

VENUE: Palace of Republic, Str. Maria Cebotari, 16, Chisinau, Moldova

AIRPORT: Chisinau International Airport (KIV) (13 km to Official Hotels and Venue)

OFFICIAL HOTELS: Jollyalon Hotel (www.; Dacia Hotel (

The organizer is bound to send invitations not later than 3 months prior to the Championship to all WDSF Member Bodies registered with PD. Number of participating couples per country is not limited but hey must all be nominated by their National Member Bodies in accordance with the invitation because the organiser is obliged to provide accommodation only to first 2 nominated couples per country.


Saturday, 15 April 2023

WDSF Open Standard Youth Confirmed results available
WDSF Open Standard Junior I Confirmed results available
WDSF Open Standard Junior II Confirmed results available
WDSF Open Standard Under 21 Confirmed results available
WDSF Open Standard Senior IV Confirmed results available
WDSF European Championship Latin Youth Confirmed results available

Sunday, 16 April 2023

WDSF Open Latin Youth Confirmed results available
WDSF Open Latin Junior I Confirmed results available
WDSF Open Latin Junior II Confirmed results available
WDSF Open Latin Under 21 Confirmed results available
WDSF PD World Championship Latin Adult Confirmed results available