WDSF Adjudicator's Congress
Stuttgart, Germany
9 - 11 August 2014
Additional information


Sat 9 Aug 2014 - Formation DanceSport and ShowDance

12:00pm - Congress Opening by MARCO SIETAS
12:05pm - Judging Components and Criteria of Formation DanceSport by MARKUS SONYI
01:20pm - Judging Choreography and Presentation of Standard Formation DanceSport by NORMAN BECK

02:35pm - Break

02:45pm - Judging Movement to Music of Latin Formation DanceSport by HORST BEER
04:00pm - Judging Components and Criteria of ShowDance by TON GRETEN

05:15pm - Break

05:30pm - Distinctive Assessment Criteria of ShowDance by VICTOR NIKOVSKY

06:45pm - End of Congress


Sun 10 Aug 2014 - Standard Dances

12:00pm - Judging System 2.1 by MARCO SIETAS
12:45pm - Systematic Approach to Objective Judging by LUCA BARICCHI
01:15pm - Judging Technical Qualities by PAOLO BOSCO AND SILVIA PITTON

02:30pm - Break

02:45pm - Judging Movement to Music by LUCA BARICCHI
04:00pm - Judging Partnering Skill by  MARTINA WESEL-THERHORN

05:15pm - Break

05:30pm - Judging Choreography and Presentation by DOMENICO SOALE AND GIOIA CERASOLI

06:45pm - End of Congress


Mon 11 Aug 2014 - Latin Dances

11:00am - Anti-Competition Fixing Measures by MARCO SIETAS
12:00pm - Judging Technical Qualities by NATASA AMBROZ

01:15pm - Break

01:30pm - Judging Movement to Music by LENE JAMES
02:45pm - Judging Partnering Skill by  ANNA BEZIKOVA

04:00PM - Break

04:15pm - Judging Choreography and Presentation by PETER MAXWELL

05:30pm - General Knowledge Test/English Listening Comprehension Test - New Applicants Only

06:30pm - End of Congress

WDSF Adjudicator's Congress Stuttgart 2014 - Entry Form

All participants for the Adjudicator's congress can choose to attend only day 1 or day 2 and 3 (day 2 and 3 is one congress) or all 3 days.

The cost is as follows:

1 day CHF 100 (day 1) / EURO 85.-
2 days CHF 160 (day 2 and 3) / EURO 130.-
3 days CHF 200 / EURO 160.-