Ranking for Youth Latin

The following results are from the WDSF Open taken place in Tartu - Estonia on 25 May 2019.


Couple Country Start # Base Points
1. Robert Veide - Amanda Rebeca Padar EST 84 300 300
2. Nikita Bugaev - Olga Lebedeva RUS 73 270 270
3. Idan Attias - Moran Moshe ISR 85 240 240
4. Alexandr Kolbasiuk - Irina Zimakova RUS 90 220 220
5. Alans Orda - Amanda Aksenoka LAT 83 200 200
6. Germo-Carl Somer - Ksenija Razina LAT 76 180 180

2. Round

Couple Country Start # Base Points
7. Maciej Wiech - Karolina Deluga POL 75 160 160
8. Arturs Kotovs - Anastasija Lecebrina LAT 74 150 150
9. Kristofer Robin Maasalu - Marleen Barkala EST 80 140 140
10. Johannes Petmanson - Kristina Nikulina EST 87 130 130
11. - 12. Mihkel Jantson - Alexandra Skvortsova EST 78 120 120
11. - 12. Daniil Uibo - Heleriin Peetson EST 89 120 120

1. Round

Couple Country Start # Base Points
13. Rokas Kraucevicius - Gabriele Kviliute LTU 86 100 100
14. Dusan Kocar - Sarlota Rudy CZE 88 90 90
15. Maksim Slivinski - Marta Solovjova EST 82 80 80
16. Nikolai Slivinski - Maria Ivanova EST 81 75 75

Excused couples