Ranking for Youth Latin

The following results are from the WDSF Open taken place in Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina on 30 May 2015.


Couple Country Start # Base Points
1. Jure Bergant - Ana Mesec SLO 18 300 315
2. Temesvari Balint Mate - Paula Hude CRO 22 270 284
3. Jurica Kavran - Tihana Vusic CRO 13 240 252
4. Ziga Vintar - Masa Kastelic SLO 19 220 231
5. Zan Vrhovski - Masa Bencak SLO 21 200 210
6. Sinisa Mihajlovic - Regina Hajnal SRB 23 180 189

1. Round

Couple Country Start # Base Points
7. Jaka Podgorsek - Katarina Matus SLO 20 160 168
8. Deni Alic - Rea Sutovic BIH 16 150 158
9. - 10. Livio Duzic - Monika Klasic CRO 14 140 147
9. - 10. Matija Peternel - Lucija Nemarnik CRO 15 140 147
11. - 12. Vid Bukovec - Trisha Dezman SLO 17 120 126
11. - 12. Gavrilo Petkovic - Sara Jevtic SRB 24 120 126

No-Show couples

detail Haris Pozderac - Ena Muric BIH