Ranking for Senior III Standard

The following results are from the WDSF Open taken place in Madrid - Spain on 11 January 2013.


Couple Country Start # Base Points
1. Bruno Lazzareschi - Ida Zotta ITA 234 300 330
2. Thierry Batin - M-Cécile Batin FRA 220 270 297
3. Alessandro Barbone - Patrizia Flamini ITA 218 240 264
4. Francesco Falbo - Anna Cosentino ITA 226 220 242
5. Thierry Pruvost - Sylvie Pruvost FRA 239 200 220
6. Xavier Soria - Roser Cadena ESP 247 180 198

3. Round

Couple Country Start # Base Points
7. Miguel Atance - Dolors Rovira ESP 217 160 176
8. Marius Torka - Barbara Torka GER 248 150 165
9. David Bort Canet - Pepita Mondragon Climent ESP 222 140 154
10. Emilio Villodres - Montserrat Estall ESP 249 130 143
11. Jose Maria Moron - Ascension Garre ESP 236 120 132
12. Maurizio Servadei - Anna Charrier ITA 244 110 121

2. Round

Couple Country Start # Base Points
13. Pierre Baron - Bellanger Framboise FRA 219 100 110
14. Giuseppe Iannazzi - Silvana Uzzoli ITA 232 90 99
15. - 16. Talpes Florin - Talpes Roxana Mariuca ROU 229 80 88
15. - 16. Werner Kraus - Elisabeth Uhrmacher AUT 233 80 88
17. Juan Pedro Maria Martin - Rosa Grane Tor-Del-Spar ESP 235 70 77
18. Luis Sese - M del Carmen Garcia ESP 245 68 75
19. - 20. Josep Berengueres - Dolors Llordes ESP 221 66 73
19. - 20. Paolo Cisamolo - Rossana Caprara ITA 224 66 73

1. Round

Couple Country Start # Base Points
21. Giovanni Redondi - Nadia Bignotti ITA 240 62 68
22. - 23. Georges Francon - Catherine Francon FRA 230 60 66
22. - 23. Tomas Pardo - Francisca Pilar Llop ESP 237 60 66
24. Michele Scorcia - Antonietta Barbi ITA 243 55 61
25. Jose Luis Flores - Alejandra Garcia ESP 228 50 55
26. Michel Provent - Aline Provent FRA 238 50 55

Excused couples