Ranking for Senior IV Standard
The following results are from the WDSF Open taken place in Kaunas - Lithuania on 2 March 2025.
Couple | Country | Start # | Base | Points | |
1. | Taivo Lillo - Marina Lillo | EST | 159 | 300 | 360 |
2. | Leons Zarins - Diana Zarina | LAT | 166 | 270 | 324 |
3. | Henrik Strom - Gitte Fransoe Strom | DEN | 164 | 240 | 288 |
4. | Harijs Zablockis - Nalda Zablocka | LAT | 168 | 220 | 264 |
5. | Pierantonio Armotti - Marina Forlani | ITA | 167 | 200 | 240 |
6. | Stanislovas Cesonis - Ramune Jurciukoniene | LTU | 161 | 180 | 216 |
1. Round
Couple | Country | Start # | Base | Points | |
7. | Manfred Dort - Traudel Dort | GER | 162 | 160 | 192 |
8. | Juergen Lueders - Karin Lueders | GER | 160 | 150 | 180 |
9. | Jurij Taurinskas - Liudmila Taurinskiene | LTU | 157 | 140 | 168 |
10. | Jukka Salonen - Irene Salonen | FIN | 169 | 130 | 156 |
11. | Aleksandrs Ozerskis - Irina Ozerska | LAT | 165 | 120 | 144 |
12. | Raimundas Mickunas - Audrone Mickuniene | LTU | 163 | 110 | 132 |
Excused couples
Couple | Country | |
detail | Michael Gross - Regina Gross | GER |