Ranking for Senior I Latin

The following results are from the WDSF Open taken place in Hradec Kralove - Czechia on 26 October 2014.


Couple Country Start # Base Points
1. Jiri Belohlavek - Romana Motlova CZE 8 300 270
2. Michal Varnuska - Jana Varnuskova CZE 4 270 243
3. Petr Kiesel - Iva Krivankova CZE 7 240 216
4. Alexander Litvinov - Natalia Litvinova CZE 11 220 198
5. Daniel Compel - Milena Oharkova CZE 2 200 180
6. Lubos Nevrla - Leona Filipi CZE 3 180 162

1. Round

Couple Country Start # Base Points
7. Libor Vybral - Zuzana Polesova CZE 9 160 144
8. - 9. Jozef Csizmazia - Gabriela Csizmaziova SVK 6 150 135
8. - 9. Andrey Timkin - Marina Biserova RUS 10 150 135
10. Andrzej Leszczynski - Marzanna Leszczynska POL 1 130 117

No-Show couples

detail Zdenek Rezler - Eva Krejcirova CZE