Ranking for Adult Solo Latin Female

The following results are from the WDSF Open taken place in Bitola - Macedonia on 23 June 2024.


Athlete Country Start # Base Points
1. Anna Avrami ALB 104 100 90
2. Veronika Stancev MDA 103 95 86
3. Mila Dimovska MKD 81 90 81
4. Zorica Simjanovska MKD 10 85 77
5. Dimitra Kompoura GRE 111 82 74
6. Petra Lechner AUT 83 80 72

2. Round

Athlete Country Start # Base Points
7. Andrijana Stavrevska MKD 70 70 63
8. Theofilia Pisti-Dimitriadou GRE 73 65 59
9. Elena Mirkova MKD 143 60 54
10. Tamara Panova MKD 140 55 50

1. Round

Athlete Country Start # Base Points
11. Katerina Polychroniadou ALB 109 45 41
12. Ifigeneia Paparidou MKD 149 35 32
13. Martina Gansterer AUT 87 25 23