Ranking for Adult Standard

The following results are from the WDSF International Open taken place in Krakow - Poland on 7 September 2024.

About these results.

About these results

Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all results published in the Result Calendar of this website. However, WDSF cannot warrant that the result information it is provided with by the organisers and their scrutiny software is either accurate or complete.

These results are posted here with the caveat that they may need to be revised and/or completed. The WDSF Sports Department will remove the ABOUT THESE RESULTS link once they have been verified.


Couple Country Start #
1. Emanuele Cannistraro - Anna Lubianetska UKR 169
2. Gabriel Korpas - Vanessa Murajdova SVK 172
3. Samuele Pugliese - Federica Stavale ITA 175
4. Matyas Felcman - Nela Koskova CZE 171
5. Carlo Rugi - Marta Lorenzini ITA 176
6. Michal Salwin - Marta Dziashkevich POL 141

2. Round

Couple Country Start #
7. Tomasz Depczynski - Aleksandra Kolodziej POL 137
8. Filip Kucman - Sara Dobsovicova SVK 173
9. Michal Szymanowski - Natalia Lichowska POL 179
10. Alexander Schernthaner - Hannah Julia Gogg AUT 177
11. Michal Ciopala - Julia Helena Nawalany POL 170
12. Jan Szczepanski - Aleksandra Richert POL 142

1. Round

Couple Country Start #
13. Stefan Cloudt - Eline Cloudt NED 20
14. Ernest Jaskowiak - Klaudia Piasta POL 138
15. Tomas Ludma - Emanuela Kaucka CZE 174
16. Christian Bori - Vanesa Balazova SVK 168
17. - 18. Gianmarco Ciarabellini - Aleksandra Tomaszewska POL 134
17. - 18. Richard Rambousek - Viola Balikova CZE 270

Excused couples