Ranking for Adult Latin

The following results are from the WDSF GrandSlam taken place in Shanghai - People's Republic of China on 14 December 2024.

About these results.

About these results

Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all results published in the Result Calendar of this website. However, WDSF cannot warrant that the result information it is provided with by the organisers and their scrutiny software is either accurate or complete.

These results are posted here with the caveat that they may need to be revised and/or completed. The WDSF Sports Department will remove the ABOUT THESE RESULTS link once they have been verified.


Couple Country Start #
1. Charles-Guillaume Schmitt - Elena Salikhova FRA 25
2. Yan Bangbang - Du Yujun CHN 26
3. Malthe Brinch Rohde - Sandra Sorensen DEN 27
4. Miculescu Ionut Alexandru - Pacurar Andra ROU 28
5. Tam Winson - Anastasia Novikova HKG 29
6. Jakub Lipowski - Tereza Kucerova CZE 31

2. Round

Couple Country Start #
7. Konstantin Gorodilov - Polina Figurenko EST 30
8. - 9. Artur Balandin - Anna Salita GER 33
8. - 9. Eric Testa - Federica Brezzo ITA 34
10. Shao Huinan - Yu Qiufan CHN 32

1. Round

Couple Country Start #
11. Dumitrescu Razvan - Jacky Joos GER 35
12. Vicenc Torremade - Megija Dana Morite LAT 36