WDSF Open Latin Youth

23 September 2017
Zagreb - Croatia
Organizer contact


Confirmed results available
World Ranking

Coefficient: 1.35

if this competition changes.

Additional information

Dear athletes,

This year we have decided to change the venue of our competition to the capital city of Croatia – ZAGREB,  due to high coefficient last year and expected raise in number of entries. 

SENIOR III COUPLES – SPECIAL ANNOUNCMENT: During the competition, there will be two competitions for WDSF Senior III Open Standard couples. First on Saturday23rd and second on Sunday 24th. 

Transfer for couples from Zagreb airport to the hall and from the hall to the Zagreb airport will be organized according to booking until September 1st.

For additional information please check our WEB site www.cdi.com.hr or contact any of the following officials listed below.

President of Dance Sport Club “Petrinia” – Ms. Natalija Antić Bjelac: natalijaab@gmail.com 
Director of competition – Mr. Edo Walme: edo.walme@zg.t-com.hr 
Information for couples and teachers – Ms. Tena Kralj: tenakralj@gmail.com 
Information for officials – Dr. Antun Marki: antun.marki@gmail.com 
Organiser DSC Petrinia – Mr. Matija Novosel: matija.novosel.cdi@gmail.com 


  1. Round 2. Round 3. Round Final
Couples danced 8 6 5 7
Couples set