The Aspirations

The Next 50 Years

WDSF seeks to have DanceSport events added to future editions of the

In its efforts to enable the next generation of athletes in DanceSport to fulfil their highest ambitions, WDSF is able to build on the legacy of five decades of outstanding leadership and impeccable administration. By the time WDSF was able to celebrate its golden jubilee at the 2007 General Meeting in Barcelona, Spain, it had earned the praise of the foremost authorities in world sports.

Juan Antonio Samaranch, the late International Olympic Committee Honorary President who had graciously accepted an appointment as WDSF Ambassador at Large, commended the federation in his address to the delegates.

J. A. Samaranch DanceSport has grown up and has gained prestige all over the world. J.A. Samaranch
IOC Honorary President
1920 - 2010

Indeed, WDSF had come a long way and succeeded

Sydney 2000 Ceremony

As WDSF strives to attain its declared objectives, it will never cease to develop and promote DanceSport further. After the 2002 Olympic Programme Commission Report has confirmed the sport's eligibility for admission to future Olympic Games, and after it has defined the objective criteria that will need to be met by the candidates, WDSF is now preparing DanceSport's bid for inclusion into the 2024 Games. The most elusive goals are worth pursuing; they convert the pursuit itself into continuous self-improvement.

Read up on HE J.A. Samaranch's views on DanceSport in an interview he conceded to World DanceSport Magazine.

Published on 30 November 2010 (last update on 29 June 2024)