DanceSport For All!
Sport & Dance
By Definition
Sport, in general, is defined by international organisations such as the United Nations or the Council of Europe for the purpose of establishing their sports-related policies.
“Sport means all forms of physical activity which, through casual or organised participation, aim at improving physical fitness and mental well-being, forming social relationships or obtaining results in competition at all levels.”
European Sports Charter
WDSF adheres to the wording and defines DanceSport accordingly.
DanceSport is the activity that combines sport and dance, and that allows the participants to improve physical fitness and mental well-being, to form social relationships and to obtain results in competition at all levels. Competitive DanceSport in a wide variety of dance styles and forms is practised within the internationally recognised and organised competition structure of IDSF.
Everybody is capable of moving to music! Dance transcends the barriers of age, gender and culture. Dance is part of the fabric of every society. As millions around the globe move to the rhythms of their choice, they perform one of the most universal sporting gestures too.
The Societal Point of View
Dance is widely recognised as a holistic workout, providing for an exercise regime that satisfies the heart as well as the soul. Going much beyond the physical aspects of toning muscles as well as improving agility and cardiovascular fitness, dance offers one of the most multi-faceted sporting experiences. Dance, practised regularly, is able to combat obesity and enhance self-image in adolecents.The benefits of dancing for older adults are even more promising. Research evidence has shown that social dancing or ballroom dancing can enhance elderly´s physical functioning, cognitive ability, mental wellness as well as social relationship.
DanceSport is clearly on the ascent everywhere. the inclusion of Breaking in the 2024 Olympic Games moves DanceSport to another height. In fact, the distinguishing features of combining sports and dance in DanceSport make it a perfect sport for young and old.
Whether DanceSport is practised to keep active and fit, to train regularly for competence or for competition, or simply to have fun, everyone should have the chance to dance.
WDSF strives to ensure that the chance to dance is available to everyone, everywhere, anytime. WDSF is keenly aware that ...
DanceSport is ...
- Healthy, for the body as well as the mind;
- Inexpensive, therefore of universal appeal,
- Gender-blind, therefore uniquely sociable,
- Ageless and therefore …
Published on 28 October 2010 (last update on 29 March 2023)