Pre-Qualified Education System

The 2016 WDSF AGM passed a motion to recognise Adjudicator’s license applicants with high levels of education at a national level. We have since established an independent committee who will review and study the education systems of our member bodies.  Those member bodies with sound and structured education systems will be provided with Pre-qualified Education recognition by the WDSF Presidium. This means that these Member bodies with such qualification systems will immediately receive exemption from Technical examinations for their applicants for WDSF Adjudicator’s Licenses. These member bodies and adjudicators will also be able to benefit from other exemptions such as reduced number of judging assignments for B license holders applying for A license.

As a World Governing body for DanceSport WDSF will provide the following options to assist our member bodies:

If your federation would like to receive the Pre-Qualified Education recognition from WDSF, you may study the attached documents and provide a submission explaining your education system to the Chairman of the WDSF Pre-qualified Education System Review Committee.

WDSF Pre-Qualified Education System Review Committee

Drago Sulek

Mr. Drago Sulek, SLO





Published on 8 October 2017 (last update on 27 November 2020)