Arnold Perez Vidad


Profile picture of Arnold Perez Vidad
Arnold Perez - Arnold Perez
Member Id number (MIN)
Year of birth

Breaking Adjudicator
Status: Active
Trivium: Yes
Judging System: Yes
Issued on: 11 March 2022
Education expires on: 22 October 2025
Disciplines: Breaking (A)

Competition history

Task Date Event Competitions Location
Adjudicator 27 May 2023 Continental Championship Breaking Adult Breaking Adult Santiago de Chile, Chile


 Arnold ‘Gizmo’ Vidad has been judging nationally and internationally since the late 1990’s. His love of dance was engrained in him from watching dancers of the likes of Dick Van Dyke, Sammy Davis and Gregory Hines. With his deep roots in Hip Hop culture, he started breaking at the early age of 8 years old. While dancing throughout the 1980’s, his real contribution to the Breaking culture began when he led the 1990’s breaking paradigm shift by mixing fundamental B-boy moves with new school hip hop party-rock dance. This led to a slew of new breaking moves and concepts that are considered part of the Breaking foundation and still used up to the present day.

 Gizmo is one of the co-founders of the internationally acclaimed B-boy crew, Bag of Trix.  With their emphasis on originality and musicality, they were home grown heroes having performed throughout Canada. Gizmo then extended his and his crews global exposure by joining the legendary Rock Steady Crew and Seven Gems. Touring the world with pioneers such as Ken Swift, Mr. Wiggles, Easy Roc and The Next One, gave him the opportunity to learn, grow and establish himself and Bag of Trix as an inspiration to breakers worldwide.

 After having a successful career performing and competing, Gizmo started concentrating on judging breaking events in the early 2000’s while holding work shops along the way. Judging major events such as Battle of Year, Red Bull BC One and Hustle and Freeze, along with countless others has given him a sound foundation and solidified him as a reputable Breaking judge. 

Last updated: 31 January 2022.