Signing Off ...

... And Thanking You!

Andrey Zaitsev - Anna Kuzminskaya, RUS © Rachida Khiati This is the final post that should wrap up the "Live from Marseille, FRA" blog. The story on the 2011 European Latin has now been told in its entirety through sights, sounds and some text. You should have been able to follow the action on the floor in the "nearly real-time" mode that you have grown accustomed to by now.

Obviously you - and our communications team too - would have liked to see even more coverage on even more participants coming out of Marseille. But with only one camera, two Macs and three people, we were maxing out the single 2Mbs DSL line as much as the IDSF budget.

While this blog is no longer active as of tomorrow, it will remain here on World DanceSport Dot Org forever, properly archived as "2011 European Latin" - together with the blogs of of 2010 and 2009. A simple and effective way of keeping IDSF history alive!

The next blog that is currently in the planning - read: "budgetary evaluation" - will/would be on the 2011 World Junior II Ten Dance and 2011 European Youth Latin. Both events are taking place in Sant Cugat, Spain, over the Easter weekend (22 and 23 April). We will keep you informed.

DO World DanceSport That this format of event coverage meets great acceptance among the worldwide DanceSport community we have known from our earlier blogs (hosted on WordPress). But now it drives traffic to our very own site. World DanceSport Dot Org shattered every existing record over the weekend, doubling unique visitors in a single day, doubling page views per day, and keeping people on the site longer than ever before ... Thank you! Where we could still improve is in interaction! Only two comments for 10,000 visitors! Next time: REGISTER and give us YOUR VIEWS too!

We also wish to transmit an important message to all athletes who have competed in Marseille. From the Athletes' HOME!

Biographies & Profiles

A significant number (50+) of athletes competing in Marseille have returned the questionnaires sent out by Heidi Goetz. Unfortunately, most of them at a very late stage - only days prior to the Championship ... more



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