Looking Back ...

The 2011 IDSF European Standard on 14 May in Kalisz, POL, was a remarkable event in every respect. Here’s what others had to say about it.

“59 couples delighted the audience with their elegance and competitive spirit.”


Live from Kalisz, POL

And the audience was a global one indeed.

“… The live feed did not pause due to buffering, even when changing to full screen mode. A truly remarkable and successful endeavour accomplished by the Polish organisers, trail-blazing along with IDSF to make Dancesport accessible to all. IDSF put up informal reports along with official results on worlddancesport.org. Their amazing new website along with their tech-savvy crew continue their successful campaign that is proliferating DanceSport around the world.”



Thanks for the kudos! Above all, the congratulations must go to the production crew who produced hours and hours of inspired coverage in Kalisz. And to Prof Dr Helmut Roland, the IDSF correspondent, who has just sent us his visual summary on the Tango by the finalists (more on DanceSport Total)!


hmA-DAVV26E|Ferruggia - Koehler, GER



fH-9Hbav5Fk|Valeri - Kehlet, DEN
FXLGoik68MU|Segatori - Sudol, GER
wjCYHARQsck|Konovaltsev - Konovaltseva, RUS


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Platja d’Aro DanceSport Festival 2024
Casa Musica
BD Dance