Live from Vienna, AUT

Gabriele Goffredo - Anna Matus, MDA © Egli On Saturday 18 November, just before midnight in the Central European time zone, we should know the names of the 2017 World Champions in the Latin American dances. More than 90 couples representing some 50 nations will contest the title at the Mutltiversum in Vienna - Schwechat, AUT. Of course, there are favourites whose names come to mind first when one thinks about the outcome of a championship that seems to generate interest like none other.

Moldovans Gabriele Goffredo and Anna Matus are quite possibly the couple to beat. After all, they are the defending champions and defeated only once this year: by Armen Tsaturyan and Svetlana Gudyno, RUS, in the European Championship in Cambrils, ESP, in April. And it is precisely this circumstance which makes this World Championship so compelling. Both couples faced off against each other only three weeks ago, in the 2017 GrandSlam Moscow: the Moldovans prevailed - but only by two decimal points. That's nothing!

If Goffredo - Matus should come in first, they will win the title for a third consecutive time, a feat that was only achieved by two ther couples in sixty years of WDSF history: by Aniello Langella and Khrystyna Moshenska, ITA, and by Franco Formica and Oksana Nikiforova, GER.

Why not pre-order the Vimeo on Demand programme on the 2017 World Latin in Vienna, AUT, for a six-month streaming period?

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