Judging System 2.0

Ice Dance WDSM 4

It was a roll-out that caught many by surprise. But when the WDSF Sports Director, Marco Sietas, presented the Judging System 2.0 with two videos on this website, he triggered reactions of ... enthusiastic approval!

The thumbs went up in favour of a system that seeks to improve adjudicating in DanceSport further.

Over the past week, Sietas received highly positive feedback from the different constituent groups that will likely benefit from the use of System 2.0.

I have just been watching your presentation of the Judging System 2.0 and I would like to congratulate you and the Sports Departmnet for making a very impressive improvement to the existing system. This is going to make a huge impact not only for the dancers, but also for media presentation.

From my point of view, this represents a huge step forward - and in the right direction.

We discussed it this morning with some of our ... colleagues and the reactions were very positive indeed. Unanimously!

The idea to bridge last rounds and solo and group dancing with the same system and to take the best from the previous systems is very good. I am sure it will find a lot of supporters.


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Platja d’Aro DanceSport Festival 2024
Casa Musica
BD Dance