Agreement With Paralympic Committee

Avatar The International DanceSport Federation (IDSF) and the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) entered into a formal cooperation agreement on 14 October 2008. Under the terms of this agreement, the two bodies pledge to jointly develop and promote Wheelchair DanceSport, and to work towards establishing a single international governing body for DanceSport, including Wheelchair, in the not too distant future.

World Championships in Wheelchair DanceSport are currently held under the direct authority of the IPC and conducted to modified IDSF Rules. With the agreement in place, both bodies will now collaborate closely towards integrating Wheelchair DanceSport further into competitions for the able-bodied.
The joint authoring of rules and regulations plus collaboration in the officiating are just two of the important areas where closer ties between IDSF and IPC bring about important synergies, which should enhance the excitement of Wheelchair DanceSport worldwide.
Above all, the cooperation between IDSF and IPC aims to build closer relations between National DanceSport Federations and the National Paralympic Committees for the continued development of Wheelchair DanceSport.
IDSF President Carlos Freitag hails the new partnership: “Signing this cooperation agreement with the IPC is an important milestone in our quest to unite all forms of dance practised as sport. We are confident that the World DanceSport Federation, the new governing body which is to evolve from IDSF in accordance with our Vision 2012, will provide all athletes with optimal pathways to fulfil their ambitions. We expect our national members to embrace Wheelchair DanceSport in their competition structure.”

Consistent with its programme ‘Vision 2012’, IDSF is in the process of redefining its mission and seeks to serve an even broader constituent base. The envisioned World DanceSport Federation – – is to be constituted as the umbrella organisation for all forms of dance which are performed as sport.

Says Sir Philip Craven, the IPC President, about the signing of the agreement: “We look forward to working with IDSF to develop this amazing sport of Wheelchair DanceSport. Over the past four years, the sport has developed significantly with regards to the number of countries and quality of the athletes involved.”

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