Viktor Shumylo - Alina Hadji

General information

Profile picture of Viktor Shumylo Profile picture of Alina Hadji
Viktor Shumylo (10088629)
Alina Hadji (10089739)
Danced for
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Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
80. 17 25 June 2016 International Open Latin Adult Sochi Russia
16. 120 24 June 2016 Open Latin Youth Sochi Russia
13. 135 15 May 2016 Open Latin Youth Sochi Russia
13. 68 15 May 2016 International Open Latin Adult Sochi Russia
2. 270 1 May 2016 Open Latin Youth Antalya Türkiye
25. 84 1 May 2016 World Open Latin Adult Antalya Türkiye
15. 88 7 April 2016 Open Latin Youth Moscow Russia
13. 145 28 February 2016 Open Latin Youth Moscow Russia
Noshow 5 December 2015 Open Latin Youth Vilnius Lithuania
Noshow 5 December 2015 World Open Latin Adult Vilnius Lithuania
32. 88 29 November 2015 World Open Latin Adult Kiev Ukraine
12. 127 29 November 2015 Open Latin Youth Kiev Ukraine
Noshow 21 November 2015 Open Latin Youth Vienna Austria
116. 6 11 August 2015 Open Latin Youth Stuttgart Germany
6. 270 28 June 2015 Open Latin Youth Sochi Russia
4. 27 June 2015 Open Latin Under 21 Sochi Russia
33. 5 April 2015 European Championship Latin Youth Cambrils Spain
2. 338 14 March 2015 Open Latin Youth Alytus Lithuania
2. 270 8 February 2015 Open Latin Youth Kiev Ukraine
11. 144 29 November 2014 Open Latin Youth Minsk Belarus
3. 228 9 November 2014 Open Latin Youth Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine
5. 180 19 October 2014 Open Latin Youth Lviv Ukraine
89. 14 12 August 2014 Open Latin Youth Stuttgart Germany
1. 300 28 June 2014 Open Latin Youth Kavala Greece