Victor Deev - Alina Ageeva

General information

Profile picture of Victor Deev Profile picture of Alina Ageeva
Victor Deev (10088219)
Alina Ageeva (10088204)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
3. 192 29 May 2016 Open Latin Youth Paris France
2. 216 28 May 2016 Open Standard Youth Paris France
4. 264 8 April 2016 Open Standard Youth Moscow Russia
8. 165 7 April 2016 Open Latin Youth Moscow Russia
3. 216 3 April 2016 Open Latin Youth Lobnya Russia
2. 419 25 March 2016 Open Standard Youth Moscow Region Russia
7. 208 24 March 2016 Open Latin Youth Moscow Region Russia
29. 80 6 March 2016 Open Latin Youth Helsinki Finland
28. 93 5 March 2016 Open Standard Youth Helsinki Finland
36. 63 21 February 2016 Open Latin Youth Moscow Russia
10. 169 20 February 2016 Open Standard Youth Moscow Russia
8. 165 12 December 2015 Open Latin Youth Jesi Italy
1. 300 12 December 2015 Open Standard Youth Jesi Italy
11. 126 11 December 2015 International Open Standard Adult Jesi Italy
17. 126 23 October 2015 Open Latin Youth Moscow Russia
8. 225 22 October 2015 Open Standard Youth Moscow Russia
34. 56 27 September 2015 Open Latin Youth Moscow Russia
5. 250 26 September 2015 Open Standard Youth Moscow Russia
5. 290 27 June 2015 Open Standard Youth Sochi Russia
Noshow 29 November 2014 Open Standard Junior II Milan Italy
Noshow 29 November 2014 Open Latin Junior II Milan Italy